It's official!  I'm running for Utah House of Representatives District 57.

Who am I?  

I believe in limited government honoring the text and principles of the U.S. Constitution.  I believe in a Free Enterprise economic system.  I believe the legitimate purpose of government is to protect our unalienable rights of Life, Liberty, and Property.  I support the Right to Keep and Bear Arms and would like to see Constitutional Carry passed and enacted in Utah.  I support the Right to Life and believe in protecting Life within the womb.  I believe in States Rights and support Utah's efforts to assert State jurisdiction over Federal Lands, as the Utah Enabling Act provides for when Utah became a State.  I salute President Trump for scaling back the Bears Ears and Grand Staircase National Monuments.  What other president would have gotten that done?!

I support our caucus system.  I'm not gathering signatures but rather trust my fate to you, the delegates, in convention.  I support the Keep My Voice initiative.

Why am I running? 

I want to maintain solid principled conservative representation in our district 57 Utah House seat.  I'm thankful for former Representative Brian Greene's service.  Brian chose not to run again so this is an open seat.  We need to elect someone with a solid track record as a conservative.  I've voted against bond (debt) increases, against property tax increases, and against utility fee increases, as an elected American Fork City Councilman for the last 4 years (my term ended in January 2018).  I have a reputation for standing up for our conservative principles, even if I am sometimes the lone voice or the lone vote for true and correct principles.

What else?  

I support Utah's Constitution, which defines marriage as between a man and a woman.  I encouraged my fellow City Council members to take a stand by simply supporting Utah's Constitution's definition of marriage, when this issue came up four years ago because of an activist federal judges ruling. 

How can I help?

Let other County Delegates in our Leg District 57 know of your support for my candidacy.  Host a meet and greet where I can meet your neighbors.  Put up a yard sign after convention if I'm elected as our GOP candidate.


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