
Why not get a tax credit for contributing to scholarship funds?

How about a State Income Tax CREDIT for contributing to scholarship funds that are used to fund public and private schools within Utah?  I like the idea of voluntary taxation, and people genuinely want to fund scholarships.  By law the State income tax can only be used to fund education, so receiving a State income tax credit for a portion of scholarship contributions is appropriate.  This is a free market approach to help ease the burden of growth in education and increase dollars going into education, while also providing control to scholarship contributors on how their funds are spent, AND helping students & families receive the education they want!   Win-Win-Win!

The Right to Keep and Bear Arms is a fundamental, God given, Constitutionally protected Right!

No gun London England has more murders than guns allowed New York USA? Guns often save lives too.  Violence in society isn't caused by guns, access to guns, the amount of ammunition, or the type of gun.  Violence in society results from the criminal intent of one individual to harm another.  Guns actually make it so that potential victims have the means of self defense.  It truly is a God given right and responsibility to have the means to protect ourselves and also others.
It's official!  I'm running for Utah House of Representatives District 57. Who am I?   I believe in limited government honoring the text and principles of the U.S. Constitution.  I believe in a Free Enterprise economic system.  I believe the legitimate purpose of government is to protect our unalienable rights of Life, Liberty, and Property.  I support the Right to Keep and Bear Arms and would like to see Constitutional Carry passed and enacted in Utah.  I support the Right to Life and believe in protecting Life within the womb.  I believe in States Rights and support Utah's efforts to assert State jurisdiction over Federal Lands, as the Utah Enabling Act provides for when Utah became a State.  I salute President Trump for scaling back the Bears Ears and Grand Staircase National Monuments.  What other president would have gotten that done?! I support our caucus system.  I'm not gathering signatures but rather trust my fate to...